Upcoming Advising Events

Welcome to Spring 2025 Monarchs! The last day of the add/drop period for the spring semester is January 21st. If you have questions about your course schedule, you can either schedule a time to talk with your advisor through the Monarch Advising Portal or visit the drop-in hours listed below for your college advising center!

Advising Center Dates Times Location 
CORE 1/13 - 1/17, 1/21

9AM - 11:30AM

1PM - 4PM

1550 Webb Center
College of Education 

1/13 - 1/17, 1/21

8AM - 5PM 1107 College of Education
College of Sciences  1/13 - 1/17, 1/21, 1/22

1PM - 4PM

236 Mills Godwin OR Virtual
College of Engineering  1/13 - 1/17, 1/21, 1/22

10AM - 12PM

2PM - 4PM

242 Kaufman Hall
College of Business  1/13 - 1/17, 1/21 9AM - 11AM 1011 Constant Hall
College of Arts and Letters 1/13 - 1/17, 1/21

10AM - 12PM

2PM - 4PM

1006 BAL (Virtual as requested)
Health Sciences Advising Center 1/13, 1/15, 1/17 9AM - 12PM Virtual
Health Sciences Advising Center 1/14, 1/16 1PM - 4PM Virtual 
Interdisciplinary Schools By Appointment  Email with questions